Thursday, June 7, 2012

Nature of Emotions

A few lines ..

In the below poem, I discuss about the nature of human emotions.  While I initially fancied controlling my emotions, my subconscious duly corrects me by convincing me that humans lose their identity in the process. In the first stanza, I go about discussing about how men perceive emotions to be and also express my desire to control them as a warhorse. The second and third stanzas discuss how emotions cause distress and passion to humans. The final stanza culminates in my hesitation to control the emotions following a terse counsel by my subconscious. 

The actual stuff :

Emotions are like warhorses,
Strong and Athletic to see,
Ruthless in nature maybe,
The purpose in life is to Indulge.

Unpredictable ! Yes, with slight and hurt.
They tear you apart from within.
Attacking others when provoked,
Emotions are crazy creatures left alone.

Yet a strength they do give,
forever a power to achieve.
Passionate men treading about know,
Emotions are what keep them afloat.

Aha, we cannot be controlled,
For the whims of men are aplenty.
Once controlled, man loses direction,
Just to become a powerless powerful robot.

                                                                  - Madhavan R Sriram

Monday, May 7, 2012


Seven was the number,
"Impossible" remember.
The intellects and leaders rose,
To open what others close.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Ego makes and breaks !!

Ego, in its various forms, is driving the world. People are continuing to secretly bind themselves to their ego and other's egos. Even the preachers and the naysayers are unknowingly pulled into this intricate web. Thus, Progress, corruption and all other human actions are nothing but a consequence of the ego.

- My views on the intricate force that drives great men insane.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Will you do Community Service ?

Live life for yourself - you will be your brain.
Live life for others - you will be your heart.
Is the brainless heart or the heartless brain
That will define you, oh worthy one ?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dual Pull of the Mind

Ahoy Sailor !
Do you see the cannon being shot?
To run or to stay, the question in mind,
Answer this way, for you are in grind.

The mind is at war,
The war is ever-ending, yet never-ending.
While it is Yes sometimes,
It is naught other times.

There is no incumbent, there is no permanence.
Life is but temporal, one might say.
The philosopher and the devil fight,
Day in and day out, Victor thy rise.

Philosophers deem their principles right,
Mind rules over matter,
Matter, thou must be present,
To make this sane philosopher right.

What is right and what is wrong ?
The devil or the philosopher,
It all depends on You, my child.
The loving child of humanity.

-    Madhavan R Sriram